VERDER SCIENTIFIC sets standards in the development, manufacture and distribution of high-tech laboratory and analysis equipment. The products of the Verder Scientific manufacturing companies are used around the globe in these fields.
卡博莱特盖罗是 30°C 至 3000°C 高温箱式炉和烘箱的领先制造商,是管式炉以及真空和特殊气氛技术领域的技术领导者。卡博莱特盖罗在热工领域拥有 80 多年的经验,开发的创新解决方案深受世界各地研究实验室、中试工厂和生产基地的信赖。卡博莱特盖罗的产品以其卓越的能效、出色的可靠性和高品质部件而著称。
Eltra is a leading manufacturer of elemental analyzers for the rapid and precise determination of CHNOS content in solid materials using combustion methods. With more than 40 years of experience, Eltra develops innovative solutions for a wide range of samples and concentrations. We are the leaders in technical service as well as application support and trusted by researchers and quality control laboratories around the world. Eltra products are defined by accurate and reliable measurements, user-friendly software operation and robust design.
QATM 是一家领先的金相和硬度测试设备制造商,产品涵盖所有材料类别。凭借 40 多年的经验,QATM 在表面制备领域开发出创新解决方案,用于后续结构和缺陷分析。产品组合由广泛的耗材、软件和完整的实验室解决方案提供支持。QATM作为质量和技术的领导者,应对客户的应用问题时总是能够提供可靠的解决方案。
Retsch is the leading manufacturer of laboratory mills, jaw crushers and sieving equipment. With more than 100 years of experience, Retsch develops innovative solutions for neutral-to-analysis sample preparation and particle size analysis. Trusted by researchers and quality control laboratories around the world, Retsch products are defined by excellent performance, ease of use, safety and a long lifetime. As the market and technology leader, we are offering the most comprehensive range of equipment.
Microtrac is the leading manufacturer of analytical instruments for particle size & shape, stability & dispersibility as well as gas adsorption analysis. With more than 50 years of experience focusing on the entire niche market, we are offering the most comprehensive solution spectrum in particle characterization. Microtrac develops innovative products trusted by customers in quality control and research & development. Our instruments are defined by excellent performance and accuracy, reliability and user-friendly operation.
Erweka is a leading manufacturer of high-quality tablet testing equipment, with special focus on pharmaceuticals. With more than 65 years of experience, Erweka develops innovative solutions for large pharmaceutical and life science companies, research and test laboratories, as well as universities all over the world. Erweka stands for excellent product quality, attractive design, user-friendly operation and reliable performance.